What We Believe
For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?
We believe that Jesus Christ being the only Son of the Living God suffered, died, and rose for the sins of all mankind that salvation will be found in Him (through repentance and faith)
We believe that the Bible is essential for Godly and successful living
We believe that Jesus will return for His church (the saved)
New Members Class: Who is The God?
Support Groups: May the God Be with You
May His Word Guide You
What Your Faith Can Do
He Does All Things Well
Our Ministries
Family Ministry
To our community family is one of the main priorities. We want our children to be raised in families that foster biblical teachings and authentic friendships.
Man’s Ministry
Men’s discipline causes a better atmosphere in their families, where they can become better husbands and fathers and discipline others as an example.
Women’s Ministry
Learning about the women’s role in the church and society, maternal path and responsibilities through a wholehearted pursuit of Jesus and His Word.